Monday, December 03, 2007

Kermit the Hermit

Is this cute or what? Meet Kermit the hermit. I first noticed this cute little guy hanging out the window of one of my birdhouses during the summer. He is some sort of tiny tree frog. He and his friends hang around the back porch light and eat insects. Most of his compadres have gone wherever frogs go when it gets cold but he seems to have taken up permanent residence. Look at him sunning himself on the ledge! A cold front blew in last night and tonight there will be a light freeze. Hope Kermie survives!
The red birdhouse has been home to a family of eastern bluebirds since last spring. Kermie moved in to his cottage this summer. A few days ago, I saw a tiny house wren checking out the large birdhouse that sits on an old chair. My little back porch neighborhood seems to be growing!
I knew the weather was going to change soon...the pine siskins and American goldfinches arrived last week. They have been happily dining on the Niger thistle seeds I've added to the bird feeders but also like to forage for weed and grass seeds. The doves don't seem to mind the intrusion. They quietly nibble at the wild bird mix I've thrown on the ground.
I love my creatures, ya'll!

1 comment:

She Loves to Quilt said...

oh my gosh how cute!!!.....