Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Here We Go Again!

Jason over at cigarsdonutsandcoffee is right on once again! Check out his comments on this ridiculous story in the Houston Chronicle

I try not to get too political in this blog, but sometimes I just can't help it.

As I was pondering this debacle, I came up with a good idea: Why don't these nutcases families call Quanell X first ! Let's see how fast he rushes to the scene. Let him try talk to the crazy idiot pointing a gun or swinging a fence post with a concrete ball on the end of it. Yeah right, when hell freezes over! Ain't no way he's going to confront a mad man like that. His custom made sharkskin suit and crisp white shirt just may get dirty and ripped. He might get his shiny black Hummer bashed or worse, get bopped in the head. On second thought, that might not be a bad idea. Maybe it would knock some sense into him! Besides, who would he call if he found himself in a threatening situation? Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson? Talk about Three Stooges!

I'd just like to know where this guy gets his financing.....perhaps from the *Revs.* ( I use the term loosely) Al or Jesse? It's a crying shame the way these vultures prey on and exploit their own race!

Why don't these guys put THEIR money where their mouth is instead of using poor, uneducated people, who for some reason, think they actually give a rip about them. They just want to get their ugly mugs in front of a camera so they can push their warped agenda!

Advocates my foot, ya'll!

And by the way, I have a close family member who has been afflicted with schizophrenia for years, so I know how hard it is to deal with them. He chose to distance himself from the family years ago. We don't know if he is dead or alive. He was abusive and addicted to drugs and we did all we possibly could to get him to seek professional no avail. It was my personal choice to cut all ties with him after he threatened me and my family. May God have mercy on his tortured soul, wherever he is.

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