Monday, July 03, 2006

Friendship Garden

As I was rummaging through some files, I ran across this poem I wrote a few years ago. Thought I'd share with ya'll.

Friendship Garden

As I tend my friendship garden
And go about its care,
I so lovingly appreciate
The pretty flowers there.

I till the soil so carefully,
I plant the seeds with love.
As my friendships grow, I see,
They're blessings from above.

My lovely friendship garden,
I watch it as it grows.
I don't expect a marigold
To smell just like a rose.

I give each friend lots of room
To grow in her own way.
With tears of empathy and prayer
I water every day.

I fertilize so generously
With laughter and with cheer.
As each and every friendship grows,
I hold them all so dear.

My pretty friendship garden,
In it I persevere.
When I spend my time there,
I know that God is near.

I have been blessed with so many wonderful friends over the years. However, I also know that friendships need to be developed and nurtured in order to flourish. Friends come in many 'varieties'. Just like flowers in a garden, each one is unique in it's own way. I even have a few cacti in my garden...prickly on the outside, but all mushy on the inside.

In recent months I have added another dimension to my friendships, through blogging. I have enjoyed getting acquainted with people from other parts of the country and even this city... even people whom I may not have associated otherwise, because we are from such different backgrounds, ages or social circles. It has been a learning experience, for sure!

That's a good thing, ya'll


TxGoodie said...

Ah, that's so sweet!

I wish a happy, safe 4th to you and yours, Lainey!

Jason said...

I agree. A relationship is a relationship despite how it's kept and/or nurtured.

Jason said...

Thanks for the comment on my last post. If you drop a difficult client to the ground, you can call your blog the hair dresser from hell. ;-)

Attila the Mom said...

That was fabulous!

Brenda said...

Thanks for dropping by today.

She Loves to Quilt said...

I am so blessed to be your friend!