Monday, April 24, 2006

A Toe Story

I treated my tootsies to a spa pedicure this morning. That's not a bug on my big toenails, it's a little jeweled flower with black and gold metallic accents. And, check out the new flip flops. I found them at DSW Shoes on the sale rack. Those are wooden beads on the straps, along with some shiny black ones in between. I'm ready for summer now!

I was all zoned out in the massaging spa chair while the technician was working on my feet. The music was 'contemporary soft rock', all was quiet and serene. Then, two 'sistas' came busting in, wanting pedicures. They immediately began complaining about the 'ring' around the spa tub and asking about the methods of sanitation used in the salon. I think the Vietnamese girls were a wee bit intimidated. In their quiet, gentle way they assured the two Big Berthas that the tubs were freshly sanitized, after which both hauled themselves into the chair and began soaking. Cell phones started ringing and loud talking ensued for the duration of my visit. They were also being very demanding and nit-picky with the techs. So much for relaxation! What ever happened to civility, sensibility and just plain old manners?

Ok, just one more thing and I'll be finished. At the risk of sounding racist, why is it that 'people of color' are usually the ones who behave in the way I described above? Why are the Vietnamese generally a quiet, reserved people? I'm just asking.

I know that God made us all, but some of his children just don't know how to behave in public!

Hope I didn't step on anyone's toes.. I really just wanted to show ya'll my freshly polished ones!

Oh well!


Jason said...

I wonder what would have happened had the clerk explained that the ring around the sauna happened the last time the sistas stopped by.

Lainey said...

Yeah, their feet and legs did look pretty grody.

TxGoodie said...

I heard something on the law being toughened up on the mani/pedi places and the teevee guy said to poke around and make sure the place was clean, blah, blah, maybe the ladies also watch teevee...who knows...I do remember him saying that the instruments are now supposed to be sanitized and wrapped up like in dental offices...that ought to take a LOT of visits from the State's inspectors to accomplish I'll betcha...

I've got to say though that the nice, quiet Vietnamese gals drive me nuts when they start talking to each other because their language is so harsh sounding and it sounds, to me anyway, like they are fussing at one another instead of just emoting...

Nice toes! I'm do for a pedi again... I think the place I've been going to is probably going to fold because there's never anyone there. I go during the time the rest of y'all are working and I've yet to see another customer....that's fine by me, like you say, you can relax and enjoy the pampering.

Lainey said...

State Board has had to come down on them, but they are 'getting it'.
The place where I go is clean. The girls all speak pretty good English, too.

Litzi said...

Hi Lainey,

Your pedicure is lovely and I love the new sandals! Going to a spa should be relaxing and enjoyable. It's too bad the "noise pollution" disturbed the tranquil aura of the salon. Maybe you'll be luckier on your next visit.

Attila the Mom said...

Your nails are so cute!

I have to say though...

I live in a mountain bedroom community of the ultimate "Wonder Bread" city---Colorado Springs.

Don't be fooled into considering this to be a racial thing. That's false, and will simply cause you nothing but grief. I mean it.

Look at it in another way---call it the "I'm a self-entitled assh*le" syndrome.

It crosses all racial, economic and societal boundaries.

In our non-culturally-diverse-white-mayo-on-Wonderbread little burg, I've seen as much bad behavior---more! with Ipods! while getting a pedicure, as you've described.

It's not a race thing. It's an assh*ole thing. ;-)

Lainey said...


On second thought, you are right.
Assh*oles are everywhere and come in all colors, shapes and sizes. However, in this huge, diverse city and surrounding suburbs, the majority of the ones I observe seem to be of the *chocolate* variety, perhaps having evacuated the *chocolate* city of New Orleans after hurricane Katrina.

Indeed I was a bit overtly *racist* in my observation, possibly due to the sudden onslaught of this new breed of self-entitled assh*le invading this quiet little suburb north of Houston.

I stand corrected. Thank you for sharing and bringing this to my attention.

Wow, Don't I sound like "Miss Manners"? :-)

Attila the Mom said...

A year or so ago, we were in the grocery store at around 5pm--the absolute WORST time of day to shop. There was a log jam of carts in the produce dept., so I left my son standing next to our cart to watch my purse while I maneuvered 10 ft to grab a bag of salad.

I said "stay right there! Don't move!"

As soon as I grabbed the salad, I turned around and was kind of "carted in" by other shoppers.

This lady on a cell was talking very loudly and telling my son to move.

He got very confused and a little scared (he has autism) and she just got louder and louder.

"There's this boy here and there's something wrong with him!" she said in the phone. Then she got in his face and said "What's wrong with you? You shouldn't be allowed out of the house!"

Thankfully, by the time I got back to the cart, she had moved around him and down an aisle. I had half a mind to follow her and give her a size-10 enema!

Some people just have no freaking sense of the bigger picture. The world revolves around them. :-(

It must be quite an adventure to have an influx of displaced people in your town! I just can't imagine what it would be like!